Monday, August 27, 2007

Tune in for :"If something can go wrong, it will" or "An introduction to Murphy's law"

So, apparently I'm not blogging enough for some people. But we won't mention any names.....cough (Mike) cough. :)

Since my last post, I've received my arrete de nomination and ALL the paperwork that goes with it. And all the non-directions of what to do with that paperwork. While I'd like to share the place where they might get the best use, I feel I should hold my tongue if I don't want my plane tickets to be wasted in vain. haha Anyway, frustration now comes in waves. Nausating, overwhelming, uber-stressing waves. My poor fingernails and digestive track have suffer quite a bit. For the longest time, finding housing seemed to be the biggest hurdle. After sending out what seemed like a hundred emails, I've finally gotten a few (notice, a few) responses back that look promising. IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME! :/ But of course, if one thing goes well in your life, something else always backfires. It's like Nigel says to Ande in the film, The Devil Wears Prada, "If something goes wrong in your personal life, it's time for a raise." Too bad I'm not getting a real one...

Now instead of stressing about living in a gutter, I'm stressing out about late paperwork. Which says that it had to been in by the 20th of August to get paid "on-time", meaning an advance. Otherwise, we don't get paid for like 7 weeks! What the hell?!?!? I just got my contract on Friday (the 24th) and I'm already late for paperwork. I feel kinda set up to fail already. And thus, the stress nevers ends.

Now you're probably asking yourself three questions:
1. Will she make it to France?
2. Will she ever blog again?
3. What's the deal with the title?

I'm hoping that my sanity will endure and that I'll make it to France as a completly normal person. Bottles of wine always help. And so do donations. (Make all checks payable to the send Anne to France foundation) As far as blogs go, I'm so busy working hard for the money and trying to do everything on my list, that I won't be blogging again until I get to France. So there :P And the deal with the title....I took it from the Rocky and Bullwinkle show I used to watch in my adolescence. I thought I'd reward those who took the time to read my blog. Enjoy!

Now, on with the show:


Mike Carter said...


I'm sorry if I'm interested and like to see what is going on. While I'm just about as broke (not looking for donations, but some more clients for Diane would always be nice) I like adding my support by reading and commenting.

Good luck with the paperwork - I know how much fun that is (I've been working on our band boosters informational tax return this week - so I can understand the paperwork frustration lately (as well as applying for yet another student loan for my daughter)).

Anonymous said...

We'll de-stress a bit in Chicago next week. That should be fun!